Today I have another new post up on the Minerva blog! I was gifted this absolutely gorgeous sequin tulle, which I decided to use to make a party dress. Perfect for the upcoming holiday season!

DIY sequin party dress

This was my first time working with sequin tulle and I learned a ton! So to help you out, I’ve shared my tips for working with sequin tulle… and trust me, it’s not as hard as you might think 🙂

DIY party dress and sequin tulle tips

If you’re interested in seeing how I made this dress and getting some tips for sewing sequin tulle, check out the full post on the Minerva blog: HERE.

tips for sewing sequin tulle DIY party dress

And a quick side note… this dress looks great with sneakers too!

high top sneakers with sequin tulle dress


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DIY party dress and tips for working with sequin tulle pinterest graphic