I use a lot of different tools in my sewing. There are seriously so many sewing tools I use and love that I could tell you about! But today I wanted to give you my absolute top 5 must have sewing tools! These are the things I turn to over and over again, or the things that just make my life so much easier! We all like to make our (sewing) lives easier, right? If you’re a video-lover, I’ve got a video down below for you where I take you through my top 5 sewing tools. I show you each one and talk a little bit about why I love it so much! But if you’d rather just stick with reading, you can scroll on past the video for the full blog post.



My Top 5 Must Have Sewing Tools

Ok, let’s get into my top 5 sewing tools! These five tools are in no particular order, I tried to put them in order of which I liked best but I literally couldn’t decide!

*This post contains affiliate links for your DIYing convenience, so I receive a small commission if you buy something through my links. This really helps to support my site so I can keep creating DIY tutorials to help you create your dream wardrobe.

1) Iron

a black and grey iron is sitting on an ironing board in front of a window

If you sew clothes and don’t have an iron… please, please, please get one!!! This is something I am so passionate about, because it has made a HUGE difference in my sewing when I started really using my iron! I press my seams pretty much every time I leave the sewing machine… so every seam is pressed before I move on to the next seam. This makes everything look nice and flat and crisp. If you wait until everything is sewn together before pressing, it will be practically impossible to get that nice crisp finish. In my opinion, pressing is one of the biggest factors in making your handmade garments look professional.

2) Rotary Cutter/Cutting Mat

I love, love, love my rotary cutter and cutting mat! This thing is worth ten million times what I paid for it with the amount of time and aggravation it has saved me! I used to cut things out on the floor by laying out my fabric, painstakingly pinning every pattern piece to the fabric, then cutting each piece out with my fabric scissors. I hated doing this! It always took way too long and pinning the fabric always ended up moving it just enough to mess things up. Enter, the rotary cutter! Now I just lay my fabric on my cutting table, place my pattern piece on my fabric, weigh down the pattern piece, and go around it with the rotary cutter. So fast and easy!

3) Seam Ripper

a red and a blue seam ripper laying on a green cutting mat

Ok, as a sewist, you’ve got to have a seam ripper. This thing may be your worst enemy at times because it only comes out when things start going wrong… but seriously it is so necessary! When you accidentally make a mistake and need to take a seam out, trying to get that thing out with scissors just makes things 10 times worse! At least if you have a seam ripper, taking seams out is a little bit easier… and you’re less likely to cut a hole in your fabric!

4) Bodkin

I love my bodkin. This thing is used to clamp elastic or drawstrings – or anything else you need to pull through a tube. It’s so easy to thread elastic through a waistband with this thing! Way better than the safety pin method! You can also use this to turn tubes of fabric right sides out – I use it for this all the time! I also have a longer, thinner bodkin that’s nicer for narrow tubes… so you’ve got options!

5. Chalk Markers

Some sort of fabric marker or chalk is absolutely essential to mark your pattern pieces before you sew or make notes when designing a pattern. There are lots of options out there, but I love my Chakoner chalk markers. They have a little roller at the bottom of the heart that dispenses a beautiful, thin line as you roll it along the fabric. It’s cleaner than tailor’s chalk and I love the thin, pretty line it gives.


I hope you found this list of my absolute favorite sewing tools useful! If you want more sewing and DIY tips, tutorials, and projects, I would love to have you join my email newsletter! I’ll even send you a free circle purse sewing pattern as a thank-you for signing up.