Sewing swimwear is fun! And choosing the fabric and pattern to use is even more fun! If you’re looking for a swimsuit pattern I have a list of 50 great patterns HERE.

But today we’re talking swimwear fabric! I know that finding fabric can be challenging, which is why I created this list of resources to find swimwear fabric online.

a stack of swimwear fabrics and lining fabrics

But first, just a couple tips to help you choose your swimwear fabric:

  • if it’s marked for swimwear, you should be golden!
  • if not, go for a nylon/spandex (or nylon/lycra, which is the same thing) blend
  • look for fabric with at least 50% stretch in both directions – stretching vertically and horizontally

And a quick question before I get into the list of stores where you can get swimwear fabric: Are you new to sewing swimwear? If so, I’ve got a Quickstart Guide to Sewing Swimwear that will help you get started making your own swimsuits! You can grab it here:

Alright here is a list of online stores where you can find swimwear fabric! I’m sure you’ll be able to find something perfect for your project in one these places! And if you know of any other great shops to add to the list please let me know!

Sources for Swim Fabrics

Good sources for Swim Linings

Places to Find Notions (elastics, slides, etc.)


I hope you found the perfect fabric and supplies for your next swimwear sewing project! Now to get started sewing swimwear, you can grab my FREE Quickstart Guide to Sewing Swimwear and learn what you need to get started and get some tips to make your swimwear project come together beautifully!